Terms of Electronic Delivery

METROMILE Insurance Services LLC

These Terms of Electronic Delivery address the circumstances under which you agree to receive in electronic form any information that Metromile Insurance Services LLC (“Metromile”) chooses to make available to you in electronic format, to the extent allowed by law, including information that is required by law to be provided to you writing.


These are definitions for commonly used words in this Terms document.

Delivery Preferences” means Your selection of the categories and types of Documents on Our Site that you agree to receive by electronic means.

Documents” means any information that We choose to make available in electronic format, to the extent allowed by law, including information We are required by law to provide to You in writing. This includes transaction documents, bills, account statements, agreements, forms, correspondence, notices, disclosures and any other communications sent to You by or on behalf of Us.

Electronically” or “by electronic means” means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities (such as the Internet, mobile and cellular technologies, and electronic mail).

Site” means Metromile’s website or any other website owned or operated by .

Us,”“We” or “Our” refers to Metromile Insurance Services LLC (“Metromile”).

You” or “Your” means the Named Insured and user of this Site, including the user’s authorized representative.


You are showing us that You have the ability to receive documents electronically. We describe the hardware and software You will need in order to receive documents electronically. You agree to receive through electronic delivery current and future Documents.

Systems requirements: To access, view and retain electronic Documents You need a computer or mobile device with access to the Internet, a current version of an Internet browser, an active email account, the ability to download or print Documents, and a current version of a Portable Document Format (“PDF”) reader. If You chose to save the Documents sent to you electronically You will need sufficient electronic storage capacity.

Your ability to receive electronic Documents: By providing Your consent You are demonstrating that You have the ability to view and save Documents through electronic means, including the ability to access the email account You provided to Us. You represent that You have the equipment necessary to receive Documents electronically.

Documents you agree to receive electronically: By providing Your consent You agree to receive electronic delivery of current and future Documents.

Your responsibilities: If You choose to receive Documents electronically, it is Your responsibility to log on to Our Site and check the delivery of new Documents, open and read your Documents and promptly notify Us if any Documents are not accessible or are incomplete or unreadable. It is Your responsibility to update your contact information for electronic delivery of Documents by accessing and updating Your profile.

Joint accounts: Your preferences will control the delivery of Documents to Your joint accountholders, unless they instruct us otherwise.


This describes Our procedures for electronic delivery of Documents to You, and how You can withdraw Your consent to receive Documents electronically.

Delivery Process: We will deliver electronic Documents by posting them on Our Site and by sending a notice to You by electronic mail when an electronic Document is posted. Documents will be considered delivered effective upon on Us sending You a notice by electronic mail that a Document is available on Our Site. If applicable law or systems limitations prevent Us from delivering certain Documents electronically, We will deliver them as allowed by law.

Withdrawing consent: There is no ability to withdraw Your consent, as We provide all documents electronically, to the extent allowed by law. If You do not want to continue to receive Documents electronically then you may cancel Your Policy with Us.

Disclaimer of warranties and limitations of liability: We are not liable for any loss or damage arising from (1) Your failure to access, download, save or print Documents; (2) problems or technical failures with Your equipment, and (3) any errors or delays in electronic communication or transmission lines that are beyond Our reasonable control.