We spent the spring and early summer months at Metromile refreshing our values to make sure they were aligned with who we are, the work we’re doing, and the future we’re building. The end result? Five updated value statements that express how we operate and treat each other:
- Create fiercely loyal customers.
- Invent the future
- Be intellectually persistent
- Be outcome oriented
- Nurture diversity, inclusion, and belonging
When we put our values in writing and commit to them, we’re saying something about what’s important to us as an organization, and what’s important to our stakeholders, customers, and employees.
The best way to introduce our values is to let Metromilers speak for themselves. After all, values don’t mean much without the people who believe in them.
Invent the Future
“I’m inventing the future with Metromile, but I’m also able to invent my own future and continue to build my experience and my knowledge base just to become a better employee here,” Senior Process Manager Megan Kurin said. “It’s very challenging at times. And more technical than what I’ve worked on in the past. And I love it. I love being challenged.”
Megan is a self-described insurance geek, and her role is focused on helping enterprise customers—other insurance carriers—find solutions to improve claims organization, track mileage, tighten fraud processes, and more.
“My purpose at Metromile Enterprise is to drive an “innovation-first” roadmap with our enterprise customers. How can we come up with solutions that’ll resolve issues before they even become a problem? That’s what I think is really exciting.”
It’s easy to see that Megan loves her job. It’s the focus on innovation and growth, she said, that gives her so much passion. “I’m always thinking about so many ideas. I actually had to start keeping an Excel spreadsheet,” she said. “The ideas just keep coming to me!”
Customer Experience (CX) Manager Ti-Jael Stafford sees inventing the future as core to Metromile’s business.
“I think many legacy or larger insurance companies think that insurance is simply a product that will always be needed, so they don’t see much need for change or adaptation. Metromile’s model of disrupting the insurance industry and inventing the future shows that they value what is to come over what has always been,” she said. “Just because everyone who owns a car needs insurance doesn’t mean they need the same insurance that their grandparents had 50 years ago.”
Brandie Smith is a Senior Principal User Researcher and sees inventing the future playing out in her day-to-day work life.
“Invent the future, as well as two of our other values—be outcome oriented and be intellectually persistent—all relate to curiosity, exploration, openness. I see that in the open lines of communication around what product is working on, what CX is hearing. We have this regular feedback loop so that we can work on what CX is hearing, share improvements and so forth,” she said. “Metromile is constantly thinking about how we can make insurance more fair and easier to use. Invent the future is a guidepost for our work.”
Brandie is a Metromile veteran of several years, but Dan Wakefield, a Senior Content Designer who’s new to the company, thinks about it along the same lines. “The great thing about inventing the future here is that everyone is onboard. Building something new and different takes a lot of ideation, and everyone I’ve worked with across the company gets just as excited about ideas as I do and works hard to push them forward. I’m blown away at how open and efficient the process has been compared to other places.”